I cannot believe how long it's been since I have posted on here. Part of it is due to camera/computer issues, the other excuse is that there are not enough hours in the day! I don't know where to begin on updating Mason's life but here goes:
* We have 6 teeth and still going! I pulled up his lip to check on how far in his two front teeth are and found two more teeth next to those!
* His car/walker the Easter bunny gave him is finally getting some use. He walks around the house pushing it everywhere!
* We only sleep half the night in our own bed, the other half with mommy and daddy.
* He is very good at putting his shapes into his shape box.
* Anything I say, he knows what it is or what to do.
* He is a dancing machine! We now shake our booty AND bob our head!
* We have been eating 3rd level baby food for a little while and can also eat the majority of what mommy and daddy eat.
* We have been in size 4 diapers for 2 months now.
I know I'm forgetting a lot but now I'll be updating much more often. We have our 1 year pictures scheduled June 3rd with Melissa Mullinax and I really hope his front teeth are all the way through by then!