Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Day

Christmas morning we had brunch at our house and invited the aunts and grandparents over to eat and watch Mason open up all of his presents from Santa and Mommy and Daddy. Later that evening we had Christmas at Grammy's house. The outfit I bought for Mason to wear that says "baby's 1st christmas" was skin tight and cutting off his circulation on his waist. I thought for sure three weeks ago when I bought it that it would fit him. Nope. Jamie says it just shows off his physique well. It looks like he's wearing a spandex capri outfit. Sorry Mase!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve we went to Grandma and Grandpa Lawrence's house. We had chili and cinnamon rolls and played upwords and drank margaritas. Mason had such a good time playing with all of the ribbons and bows on all of the gifts. He didn't tear off any of the wrapping paper but he knew how to pull off the bows. He was such a little trooper and lasted quite a while without a nap. Of course he got way too many presents and this was only christmas #1 of 4!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Making Daddy Proud

Me and Jamie couldn't resist buying Mason a HOOTERS shirt when we were in Cancun. Friday Mason and I went and visited Aunt Mal at work and then he went and stayed the night at Grandma and Grandpa Lawrence's house. Saturday mommy didn't feel too hot at work and today was even worse. I was just thinking to myself the other day that it has been forever since I have been sick. It was bound to happen because my mom, sister and Mason have all had it. Jamie has the best immune system ever so hopefully he will stay lucky and not get anything. I'm so glad Jamie was able to play Mr. Mom all day because I didn't even have the strength to even lift Mason.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Party

Tonight was great great grandma's Christmas party at Presbyterian Manor. Mason had lots of fun showing off for everyone and didn't understand why he couldn't eat what everyone else was eating. Santa was there for a split second and left. He wasn't a very friendly Santa... Grandma got some candy and a pretty new pin. Mason loved the red rocking horse on the table. He wanted to pull it off the table and eat it sooo bad! Mason also turned 6 months old today! I can't believe my little baby is so big already and that I've been a mommy for half a year! He got more shots today but barely cried at all. He is 28 inches long and weighs 20 lbs 12 oz. One big boy! The doctor said he is doing very good and is very strong. When I brought up the fact that Mason is still not sleeping through the night, the doctor told me to quit feeding him in the middle of the night. He said if anything, he should just get water. We'll see how that goes but sorry doctor, if it means me getting any sleep, I'm probably going to feed him. I don't think I can starve (well deprive) my child of food. He also asked where Mason was sleeping. I tried explaining what a pack-n-play was but he looked so confused. He thought he should be in his crib but what's the point if he isn't sleeping through the night yet. I barely get any sleep now, I'm not going to waste precious minutes of sleep to go into another room when Mason wakes up in the middle of the night. We'll just start with seeing how the new not eating at night thing goes. I didn't dare tell the doctor he has just gotten used to his pack n play these last few months. He'd probably die if he knew Mason slept in bed with us the first few months. Oops! I guess that's what being a new parent is all about, hearing everything we did wrong after the fact! We still aren't crawling yet but we scooch around. We don't scooch forward, only backwards. He also only goes backwards in his walker. Whatever works for ya Mase! The doctor also asked if he was saying ma-ma or da-da yet. I said no and wanted to say, "isn't it a little early for that???????!"