Monday, September 29, 2008

Splish Splash!

Mason now exceeds the weight limit for his froggy baby bath tub. He has no room to splash around in his little tub so he now gets his baths in the big bath tub. Me or Jamie get in with him and he has a blast. He has 10 rubber duckies that join him and he kicks and splashes and wiggles all around.

My Boys

Saturday was my birthday and Jamie surprised me with the best present ever. He had Mallory take pictures of him and Mason with matching shirts laying in the grass. They turned out so cute!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Big Boy

Yesterday Daddy weighed and measured Mason. He weighs 17 lbs and is 2 feet tall! He is growing up so fast. Everywhere we go people say "wow he's a big baby." I love how he has such a personality. The other day he was sitting in his boppy chair and stretching his legs to dangle his feet at me because he wanted to play. He wanted me to tickle his toes. He loves to smile and laugh. He can't roll over yet but he rolls to his right side and its like he gets stuck. If I try to help him he gets mad. He's very independent. I think he's starting to understand what kisses are too. When I kiss him he opens his mouth like he wants to kiss back. Its so cute! He loves to be sang to and loves it when we read him books. Today I had to go to the doctor and we read Dr. Seuss. He seemed to really enjoy all of the rhymes. Next week I am going to start him on cereal. The doctor told us to start at 4 months and Mason is 3 1/2 but I want him started before Jamie and I leave for Cancun in a few weeks. Plus I sorta gave him some ice cream the other night and he ate it just like a big boy! It's like he knew exactly what to do. He opened his mouth and wrapped his mouth around the spoon. He swallowed and his eyes got really big! Pretty sure he loves ice cream as much as Mommy and Daddy! You can't really tell in this picture but the background is his growth chart and his head is at the 2 foot mark.

Little Golfer

Naked Baby!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Life of Mason

What's new in Mason's life? Well last week he started making buzzing noises when he presses his lips together. I don't know if he realizes he is the one making the noise because it startles him when he hears it. Mason also does not take naps for us during the day either. He will be up for 12 hours and then sleep for 12 hours. I guess that's okay because Mommy and Daddy get to sleep in! He loves to jibber jabber and you can hear him from the other side of the house now because he is so loud! Tonight we went to Independece to visit Jamie's parents and see all of the work they have done on their new living room and dining room. Mason loves their pretty new lighting. Mason's favorite new playtime activity is to sit on my feet and bounce up and down. I think next week I might try him on cereal. I'm so excited!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Crazy Hair

Last night after Mason's bath Jamie and I decided to style Mason's hair. Usually we comb it down, but we decided to go a little crazy with it. I ran lotion through his hair and spiked it straight up. I can't wait to be able to give him a little mohawk!

Bundled Up!

Yesterday Jamie, Rosie, and I got Mason all bundled up and took him for a walk to check out the nice fall weather. He seems to be enjoying his walks more because now we put him in the "big boy" stroller. Before, our carseat hooked onto the stroller because he wasn't able to sit up very well on his own. Now he is able to sit in both of our strollers, the heavy duty one and the light weight one. It was so cute, his hat come coming down too far and covering his eyes so every once in a while he would squirm around trying to see. We had to flip the front of it up for him even though the rest of the hat was almost too small. He has a big head. Haha!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Mason's Busy Schedule

Sorry I haven't posted anything new for a while. A lot has been going on and the blog is definitely my last priority. Mason first, Jamie second, house third, wedding fourth........ and so on. Well last week we discovered that poor Mason has allergies. He seems to get itchy watery eyes and his left eye Wednesday and Thursday was swollen because we couldn't keep his from rubbing it so much. Of course I was scared to death we he woke up from a nap and it was almost swollen shut. I called the ER and asked what I should do. Luckily I had some children's Benadryl that I had bought to give Rosie (she has allergies too) but never used. She gets allergy shots. I gave Mason Benadryl at bed time and it quickly got the swelling and redness down. It makes him groggy so we have decided when he needs it he will get it at bed time so it will help him sleep (and mommy and daddy!). Poor little guy. Saturday was Jamie's 10 year reunion so we were in Independence all day and stayed the night. We took Mason to the ice cream social with us and took a little tour of the high school. Later that evening Jamie and I went out for his dinner and drink get together and Mason got to spend some quality time with his Aunt Jen and Grandma and Grandpa Lawrence. Sunday was my bridal shower and Mason was just a little grumpy for that. His naps have become fewer and fewer and they are definitely needed! Thank you to everyone who helped and came to my shower because it was beautiful! My house is in total chaos right now because of all of the wedding stuff and shower gifts. I'm trying to do one thing at a time so I feel like I'm accomplishing something but.... its not working at that great. Other new things in Mason's life: still eating hands and fingers, trying to do crunches, grabbing our feet if possible, grasping toys and watching them, and loving to watch TV and look at the computer screen. He is now enjoying his baby einstein movies and is able to focus on them better. I hate to admit it but he acts very interested in ESPN. I guess he has no choice though because its usually on in all the rooms. It was bound to happen sometime! haha.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Yummy Hands!

Mason's new favorite thing to do is eat his hands! He hardly ever wants his binky now because he'd rather be sucking on his hands. He also sticks his tongue out back and forth like a little snake. He loves to lick. (Papa Lawrence might be to blame for this.) He admitted to letting Mason lick his popsicle! Apparently Mason loved it because now he acts like he wants to lick all the time. He licks his own arm and momma's arms and shoulders whenever he gets a chance. Mason is now holding his own hands and grasping his toys and touching them. Its so neat to watch his concentrate when he's playing. It makes me wonder what he is thinking about.

Daddy's Mini Me

So I bought Mason this onesie before he was born. Obviously what his shirt says is not true because he looks nothing like me! He looks just like Jamie, daddy's little mini-me!

First Time in the Pool!

Summer is almost over so we decided to finally go swimming at Grammy's house. The water was a little chilly at first, but once we got used to it, it felt really good! Mason had lots of fun in the water. Rosie even got in for a little while and cruised in the pool on a raft. Mason enjoyed wearing his little bucket hat but not his shorts. He had way more fun in the pool when we decided to let him get naked! He floated around with daddy and surfed on the raft. He definitely let us know that he liked the water because he was talking to us the whole time he was swimming. His coos are no longer soft and quiet, they are very loud like he wants us to know he is saying something very important.