Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day the Lawrence family went to Grammy's for dinner. I feel very blessed and thankful to have such a wonderful family and can't believe how amazing life really is. We had a great dinner but poor Mason napped (or tried to nap) as we ate dinner. He didn't get to eat his sweet potatoes until later in the evening. (he loves them by the way. yea! another week of orange stains!) We had a very busy week. Friday morning we were all up at 4:30 am to go shop at Wal-Mart. I'm so glad I decided to stay home with Mase because Jamie said it was crazy! Then we had a brunch to go to for cousin Jen's 30th birthday. Sunday we had our first Thanksgiving dinner at our house and had both of our families over for lunch. Jamie used Blake's turkey fryer to cook the turkey and it was amazing. (Come on, what's not good deep fat fried?!) Everyone took naps and then mommy started getting out Christmas decorations and put the tree up. My loving husband was extactic about the Holiday tunes I was blasting through the house. Mason's pictures with Santa are also done and he couldn't have been in a better mood that day. Sorry I posted 3 blogs at once but I was on a role and haven't had the time to get any posted sooner. Stay tuned for more Thanksgiving pictures!

Piggy Potholder

Mason is mommy's little helper in the kitchen. Two months ago I would not get anything done around the house if I was alone with Mason because he wanted held the whole time. Well, that wasn't very practical so I decided to actually use his bebe pod chair. I take it everywhere now because he loves to sit in it and watch me. He loves to watch me do laundry and especially loves hanging out in the kitchen. We have also been having problems finding him a teething ring that he likes. One day I had one of my rubber potholders out that just happens to be a pig. I decided it was fate because now the pig potholder doubles as a cooking utensil slash toy/teething ring/puppet. (Best bridal shower gift I ever got! haha, Rosie and Mason are the ones that got it for me!)

Hide and Seek

Last Tuesday night I put Mason in our cuddler chair and he loved moving around in it. He likes it when we stand him up and he leans over the side of the arm. I crouch down to where he can't see me on the floor and then pop up and say "peek a boo" to him. He cracks up every time, it's hilarious. He always jumps but never gets scared.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mason's Hot Date

Tonight I had my friends Kinzi and Chelse over for dinner. Chelse has a daughter 1 week younger than Mason so we thought it would be fun for the two of them to get to play together. Tylee loved to touch Mason's face, it was so cute. We tried to get some pictures of Mason with his arm around her but they were both crying for their mommies towards the end of it. It seemed like at the end of the night one of them was always crying. They both took naps just long enough to let us eat dinner which was very nice!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hungry Baby

Today Mason started eating a new vegetable. CARROTS! I'm sure you had no idea looking at the color of his face. I cannot believe how well he ate. He ate the entire container for lunch. Last night before bed he ate his entire container of yogurt. This little baby's tummy is definitely growing. Last week each container of peas and yogurt would last 1 day, for two feedings. His appetite sure is getting bigger. Mason didn't seem to mind the peas too much but you can tell that he loved the carrots. He never even tried to spit any of them out. The mess all over his face is from him trying to feed himself. He wouldn't get too dirty eating if it wasn't for him trying to eat with his fingers. He sucks his fingers after I put a bite in his mouth. I am just getting through last weeks pea stained laundry today. It takes forever spray-n-washing each article of clothing. Today we ate naked and it was still a mess. Unlike peas, the carrots were staining his skin. His mouth was orange even after I had wiped him down twice. Yikes! Oh yeah, I always swore I would never take pictures of my kid with a dirty face. I always thought it was so gross when people did that. Ha, look at me now.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Family Picture

Sunday the whole Lawrence fam went to have dinner at Grammy's. We had a busy day, earlier was Mason's friend, Cohen's 1st birthday. Mason had never been around so many kids his own age. He was very fascinated. I finally got a picture of the three of us. You have no idea how difficult it was! I take pictures all the time but I rarely get one with all of us in it.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

Bad to the Bone

So I've decided that Mason is not allowed to wear a shirt when he eats anymore. He smears food everywhere and lord only knows how many pea stained outfits I have to spray-n-wash this weekend. Anyways I wish you could see his muscles better ladies but trust me, they're there! Haha! Kelly bought him the cutest Vans shoes and matching bib with skulls and flames, he looks like a litle hellion already. We are doing very well eating our peas and today I bought him some "yo baby" yogurt. I read in one of my parenting magazines that this yogurt is supposed to help with their digestive system when they start eating baby food. I gave him the vanilla tonight and it is delicious! It smells like frosting and actually tastes really good. Of course he liked it too! The peas on the other hand, I gag and try not to make barfing noises as he eats it. At least Mason's not as picky as his Mommy.