Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Much Better!

By the weekend Mason was feeling much better. Last Thursday we went wedding dress shopping with Aunt Mal and Grammy. Mason was sooo good. He loved all of the mirrors in the store. I was drenched in sweat though by the time we left because these days he wants to be on the go at all times. I was holding his hands the entire time so he could walk all over the store. He loves walking! Saturday I got out of work due to the crazy snow storm that we had. Jamie and I knew it would be slow and that it would be easier for me to stay home than have one of his grandparents come into town to watch him. (darn the luck, no work for me!) Last week I also got Mason's 9 month pictures back. (he was actually 8 1/2 months at the time) I was sooo happy with them! It was a photographer from olan mills and all of the profits went to some daycare. It seriously took five minutes and Mason smiled so well for him. Since it's killing me not to blog and post new pictures due to my usb cord being broke, I decided today to scan some of his pictures. Last night Jamie and I were watching a movie and Mason was holding on to his bounce center walking all around by hanging on with one hand. He sure thought he was hot stuff! He pulls up on everything now too! Life sure has changed in our house! I still can't believe how big he is getting. I see him everyday but every week he has grown. Every day becomes more and more fun as he grows into his own little person. He sure has his own personality. He knows exactly how to get his way too. It's hard to believe in just a few months we'll be celebrating his 1st birthday.

1 comment:

Tj and Chelse said...

I was just going to do a post about how fun Tylee is right now. In the past 2 weeks she has went from my baby girl to a little person. Her personality is really starting to shine through. I thought newborn was fun, then I thought 5 months was fun..but this, oh I just love this stage!