Monday, September 15, 2008

Mason's Busy Schedule

Sorry I haven't posted anything new for a while. A lot has been going on and the blog is definitely my last priority. Mason first, Jamie second, house third, wedding fourth........ and so on. Well last week we discovered that poor Mason has allergies. He seems to get itchy watery eyes and his left eye Wednesday and Thursday was swollen because we couldn't keep his from rubbing it so much. Of course I was scared to death we he woke up from a nap and it was almost swollen shut. I called the ER and asked what I should do. Luckily I had some children's Benadryl that I had bought to give Rosie (she has allergies too) but never used. She gets allergy shots. I gave Mason Benadryl at bed time and it quickly got the swelling and redness down. It makes him groggy so we have decided when he needs it he will get it at bed time so it will help him sleep (and mommy and daddy!). Poor little guy. Saturday was Jamie's 10 year reunion so we were in Independence all day and stayed the night. We took Mason to the ice cream social with us and took a little tour of the high school. Later that evening Jamie and I went out for his dinner and drink get together and Mason got to spend some quality time with his Aunt Jen and Grandma and Grandpa Lawrence. Sunday was my bridal shower and Mason was just a little grumpy for that. His naps have become fewer and fewer and they are definitely needed! Thank you to everyone who helped and came to my shower because it was beautiful! My house is in total chaos right now because of all of the wedding stuff and shower gifts. I'm trying to do one thing at a time so I feel like I'm accomplishing something but.... its not working at that great. Other new things in Mason's life: still eating hands and fingers, trying to do crunches, grabbing our feet if possible, grasping toys and watching them, and loving to watch TV and look at the computer screen. He is now enjoying his baby einstein movies and is able to focus on them better. I hate to admit it but he acts very interested in ESPN. I guess he has no choice though because its usually on in all the rooms. It was bound to happen sometime! haha.

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