Thursday, September 25, 2008

Big Boy

Yesterday Daddy weighed and measured Mason. He weighs 17 lbs and is 2 feet tall! He is growing up so fast. Everywhere we go people say "wow he's a big baby." I love how he has such a personality. The other day he was sitting in his boppy chair and stretching his legs to dangle his feet at me because he wanted to play. He wanted me to tickle his toes. He loves to smile and laugh. He can't roll over yet but he rolls to his right side and its like he gets stuck. If I try to help him he gets mad. He's very independent. I think he's starting to understand what kisses are too. When I kiss him he opens his mouth like he wants to kiss back. Its so cute! He loves to be sang to and loves it when we read him books. Today I had to go to the doctor and we read Dr. Seuss. He seemed to really enjoy all of the rhymes. Next week I am going to start him on cereal. The doctor told us to start at 4 months and Mason is 3 1/2 but I want him started before Jamie and I leave for Cancun in a few weeks. Plus I sorta gave him some ice cream the other night and he ate it just like a big boy! It's like he knew exactly what to do. He opened his mouth and wrapped his mouth around the spoon. He swallowed and his eyes got really big! Pretty sure he loves ice cream as much as Mommy and Daddy! You can't really tell in this picture but the background is his growth chart and his head is at the 2 foot mark.

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