Thursday, June 5, 2008

Still waiting.....(impatiently)

Well we went to the doctor today and before walking into the office I told Jamie that if Dr. Okie says nothings changed still that I was going to cry. Well...I'm still not dialated at all. I held back my tears in front of the nurse and Dr. because I didn't want to look like a baby. I waited to cry in the car later. Dr. Okie says everything looks good and there's no need to induce so I will probably go to my due date. I guess that's good, I'm just really tired of being pregnant. I should probably not complain considering I don't have swelling or high blood pressure or any other problems. BUT I am tired of waiting to meet Mason. He is a little too comfortable in the womb I suppose. We had the Dr. measure my belly and calculate the baby's approximate weight today. I was waiting to hear like 10 lbs. considering everyone asks me if I'm having twins. Nope, he said 7-7 1/2 lbs. Pretty average. I am almost to run out of things to clean around the house. Everyday I clean as though I might not be returning home for a few days. Plus I am super bored. Two nights ago I ordered a bikini online. I don't know what I was thinking. I will probably cry when I don't see miraculous results after leaving the hospital with the baby. I am trying to prepare myself for a fat stomach with layers of loose skin and stretch marks everywhere. I figure I should prepare for the worst. Sunday I helped Jamie clean out the garage, Monday I played 7 holes, and Wednesday I planted some flowers. No activities are persuading Mason to leave the womb!

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