I can't believe my little baby is 11 days old already. Last night I was staring at him in aw of how 10 days ago he was still in my belly. I thought I wouldn't miss being pregnant, but I kinda do...just a LITTLE TINY bit. I am so glad that he is here now though. We have had so much fun experiencing all kinds of new things for him. Yesterday we went on our first walk in the stroller. He loved it! He never once looked at me, he was so busy turning his head to look at all of the houses. I love watching his big curious eyes check things out. We only went to the end of the street and back, but he had a good time. Today was his first trip to his grammy's house. He loves his carseat surprisingly. He looks wide eyed outside when he's going from the house to the car, but once the car is moving he is out like a light. I went to my mom's to lay out and was hoping to get Mason's feet in the water in the pool. He must have been pooped because he slept the whole time and I didn't have the heart to wake him. We did get some pictures of him on my care bear blankie from when I was little. He seemed to like it. It seems I have been doing laundry every day thanks to my little guys great arch he has when his diaper comes off. I bought these pee pee tee pee's for the wee wee from the maternity store, but keep forgetting to use them. I spent most of my morning scrubbing the nursey carpet after he had a nice little accident. I cannot believe the distance and arch he has for such a little guy. I love watching how much he changes and grows each day. He has really started to fill out in his face, so cute!