Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Finally, yesterday Mason crawled! He looks like a worm/caterpillar, but he has finally started to use his arms and knees to scooch around. For some reason he thinks he needs to use his head too, it's so funny to watch. I just figured he'd skip crawling and go to walking. The story to how this all came about is: Yesterday we woke up in a great mood, got dressed, and then decided to head to the kitchen for some breakfast. As I knelt down to pick him up he pulled up on me to stand so I decided we'd walk to the kitchen together. I held his hands as he walked down the hallway and he stopped by the door to wave to Rosie. (too cute!) We were so excited when Rosie decided to follow us to the kitchen. We made a pit stop by our monkey ball drop and plopped there to sit on our tush to play. Suddenly Mason spotted Rosie's chickie stick across the room. He plopped on his tummy and I thought nothing of it because he does this all the time but just never goes anywhere. Next thing I know Mason is scooching across the room and had picked up her chickie stick to put it in his mouth. eww.. Everytime I would move it away from him he would go after it. Rosie finally got tired of this and walked over, picked it up into her mouth, and took it away from him. Me: Haha, this is hilarious. Rosie: Damn baby, first he gets all the attention, then he has all these toys i'm not allowed to play with, all kinds of blankets i can't snuggle on, he gets special food i don't get any of, and NOW he's going after my treats! As if I wasn't excited enough yesterday about this new crawling business, Mason wowed me again! He has sort of been clapping for a while now, he claps his tummy, claps the air, but yesterday he also started clapping for real and can make noise. He was so fascinated with this new form of noise he can make that while we were laying down attempting to take a nap he was clapping. Today as I was on the computer Mason was playing with his monkey ball drop and was standing as usual. The music went off and he started cracking up. I looked over to see what was so funny and he was dancing! He was shaking his little tushie in the air laughing so hard. Jamie and I were cracking up. This has been a very exciting few days. I don't know where my little baby went but this little boy sure is fun! Of course all of these things happen when I don't have a cord for my camera! Luckily today I thought I would use my video camera that I always forget about. Hopefully I can load some dance footage later.

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