Saturday was such a nice day that we took Mason for his first trip to the park and zoo in Independence. There weren't very many animals out yet at the zoo but he really liked watching the ducks. Mason's little buddy Cohen who met us there had this really neat electric car/wagon. Mason was so fascinated by it, Cohen was nice enough to let Mase take it for a little test drive. He had a blast. None of the pictures are very good unfortunately because we interrupted his nap time. We played on the merry-go-round, swings, and went down a really big slide! We still aren't crawling but mommy is fine with that. She is though getting tired of people telling her about how their kids crawled at way younger ages....ya ya ya, he will when he's ready. I do have some cool good news though! We are getting a tooth! YEA! It's not all the way through but you can feel it breaking through his gums. Mason also has his own room now at both grandparents houses. SPOILED. It is definitely a good thing because he used to sleep with them in bed but cannot anymore. He has to be in his crib because he rolls everywhere. He used to never show any interest in rolling around but now it seems he can get where he needs to by rolling instead of crawling. For awhile now he has also been reaching when he wants someone to hold him. It's so cute because now he has preferences for people he recognizes and it really shows his personality. He always wants any new person who walks through the door to hold him. When he hears someone knock on the door and Rosie barks he looks all around waiting for someone new to walk in.
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