Thursday, December 11, 2008

Heck of a week

Well Mason has had one heck of a week. (Chels, I know Tylee isn't feeling too hot either.) This week he is recovering from a cough that he's had for almost 2 weeks. His medicine is definitely helping but just as I thought my little baby was all better, he has had some serious poo issues. I never thought I would have to do the things that I did, but I'm a mom and I'll defintitely do anything to help my baby feel better. He was severely constipated and impacted. All I'll say about that was I had to "help" him relieve himself. It was not pretty. I felt so sorry for him. He would grunt and cry and his little face would turn bright red. We called the doctor they gave him some laxative medicine. Well that turned it into liquid! I've decided I'll just give it to him a few times a week to keep him from getting constipated. The pharmacist suggested everyday, but I think that's a little much on his little tummy. So, yesterday was a great day, everything was back to "normal" and then last night happened. NIGHT FROM HELL. Mason woke up screaming bloody murder. He cried for a good two hours and Jamie and I had no idea what could be wrong...other than...TEETHING! Sure enough, he has been rubbing his tongue across his bottom gums, drooling ten times worse than usual, and biting down hard on everything in sight. He has no fever, no upset tummy, etc. so we've decided he is definitely "wanting his two front teeth for christmas." Poor baby. I gave him some tylenol and baby orajel last night and two hours later he went to sleep and seemed to feel much better. He was in a great mood all day other than the biting down on everything. ALSO he has figured out how to move in his walker. The kitchen has linoleum and he was rolling and laughing all day today while I was cooking. He only knows how to go backwards though. Haha! He still can't quite reach the ground with both feet so he leans to his left side to make his left foot touch all the way and pushes with it. It's so funny to watch. I need new batteries for my camera so hopefully I'll have pictures posted soon. We went and visited great great Grandma Tedstrom last night in the hospital. We hope she is feeling better today. Love you grandma!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

at least he still has plenty of smiles :) ya know Megan, I'm starting to see more of you in him...esp. in that first pic.