Monday, July 21, 2008

1 month checkup

Today was Mason's 1 month check-up at the doctor. He now weighs 11 lbs 6.5 oz and is 22 inches long. It was so sad the other day cleaning out his newborn clothes from his dresser. He's too big for them now and is filling out his 0-3 mo. clothing nicely. Mason's new favorite thing to do is sleeping on his back and stretching out. Before, we would have him sleep in his boppy chair or swing. Now he is doing very well sleeping on his back and it's so funny to watch him stretch and sprawl out. Another favorite of Mason's is to bounce with mommy on the exercise ball. It calms him down instantly. As he is getting older he is starting to get so cranky when he knows he is about to fall asleep. He fights it as long as he can and he is very good at it. For the past week he has slept through the night for us except for one very bad night. Saturday night Mason decided to stay up ALL night long. Somehow we all survived and had very nice long afternoon naps Sunday.

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